import { BrowserContext, ElectronApplication, Page, _electron as electron } from 'playwright'; import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import * as PATH from 'path'; import {Gamesystem} from "../../src/app/project/game-model/gamesystems/Gamesystem"; import {GameModel} from "../../src/app/project/game-model/GameModel"; test.describe('Removing Gamesystems', () => { test("Test simple removing of Gamesystems", async () => { const gameModel = new GameModel("GameModel"); const gamesystem = new Gamesystem("Gamesystem"); gameModel.addGamesystem(gamesystem); gameModel.removeGamesystem(gamesystem); expect(gameModel.gamesystems.length).toEqual(0); }) test("Test removing of empty gamesystems", async () => { const gameModel = new GameModel("GameModel"); const gamesystem = new Gamesystem("Gamesystem"); gameModel.removeGamesystem(gamesystem); expect(gameModel.gamesystems.length).toEqual(0); }) });