package manager.field; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Each Field has a number of dices on it, neighbours which they can attack * and a owner who can be changed while the Game. * The Neighbours can be set at the beginning of the game, so the class field * must have an option to add a neighbour as a field. * **/ public class Field { private int dice_number; private ArrayList neighbours; private Player owner; public Field(int input_dice_number, Player input_owner){ neighbours = new ArrayList(); dice_number = input_dice_number; owner = input_owner; } public ArrayList get_neighbours(){ return neighbours; } public void add_neighbour(Field input){ neighbours.add(input); } public int get_dice_number(){ return dice_number; } public void set_dice_number(int number){ dice_number = number; } public Player get_owner(){ return owner; } public void set_owner(Player input){ owner = input; } }