exact InnoDB |root||root||ALTER|G |root||root|localhost|ALTER|G |root||root||ALTER ROUTINE|G |root||root|localhost|ALTER ROUTINE|G |root||root||BINLOG ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|BINLOG ADMIN|G |root||root||BINLOG MONITOR|G |root||root|localhost|BINLOG MONITOR|G |root||root||BINLOG REPLAY|G |root||root|localhost|BINLOG REPLAY|G |root||root||CONNECTION ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|CONNECTION ADMIN|G |root||root||CREATE|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE|G |root||root||CREATE ROUTINE|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE ROUTINE|G |root||root||CREATE TABLESPACE|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE TABLESPACE|G |root||root||CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES|G |root||root||CREATE USER|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE USER|G |root||root||CREATE VIEW|G |root||root|localhost|CREATE VIEW|G |root||root||DELETE|G |root||root|localhost|DELETE|G |root||root||DELETE HISTORY|G |root||root|localhost|DELETE HISTORY|G |root||root||DROP|G |root||root|localhost|DROP|G |root||root||EVENT|G |root||root|localhost|EVENT|G |root||root||EXECUTE|G |root||root|localhost|EXECUTE|G |root||root||FEDERATED ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|FEDERATED ADMIN|G |root||root||FILE|G |root||root|localhost|FILE|G |root||root||INDEX|G |root||root|localhost|INDEX|G |root||root||INSERT|G |root||root|localhost|INSERT|G |root||root||LOCK TABLES|G |root||root|localhost|LOCK TABLES|G |root||root||PROCESS|G |root||root|localhost|PROCESS|G |root||root||READ_ONLY ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|READ_ONLY ADMIN|G |root||root||REFERENCES|G |root||root|localhost|REFERENCES|G |root||root||RELOAD|G |root||root|localhost|RELOAD|G |root||root||REPLICATION MASTER ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|REPLICATION MASTER ADMIN|G |root||root||REPLICATION SLAVE|G |root||root|localhost|REPLICATION SLAVE|G |root||root||REPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN|G |root||root|localhost|REPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN|G |root||root||SELECT|G |root||root|localhost|SELECT|G |root||root||SET USER|G |root||root|localhost|SET USER|G |root||root||SHOW DATABASES|G |root||root|localhost|SHOW DATABASES|G |root||root||SHOW VIEW|G |root||root|localhost|SHOW VIEW|G |root||root||SHUTDOWN|G |root||root|localhost|SHUTDOWN|G |root||root||SLAVE MONITOR|G |root||root|localhost|SLAVE MONITOR|G |root||root||SUPER|G |root||root|localhost|SUPER|G |root||root||TRIGGER|G |root||root|localhost|TRIGGER|G |root||root||UPDATE|G |root||root|localhost|UPDATE|G |root||root||grant option|G |root||root|localhost|grant option|G 10.9.3 big5 1 big5 big5 big5 dec8 1 dec8 dec8 dec8 cp850 1 cp850 cp850 cp850 hp8 1 hp8 hp8 hp8 koi8r 1 koi8r koi8r koi8r latin1 latin1 1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin1 latin2 latin2 1 latin2 latin2 latin2 latin2 latin2 swe7 1 swe7 swe7 swe7 ascii 1 ascii ascii ascii ujis 1 ujis ujis ujis sjis 1 sjis sjis sjis hebrew 1 hebrew hebrew hebrew tis620 1 tis620 tis620 tis620 euckr 1 euckr euckr euckr koi8u 1 koi8u koi8u koi8u gb2312 1 gb2312 gb2312 gb2312 greek 1 greek greek greek cp1250 1 cp1250 cp1250 cp1250 cp1250 cp1250 cp1250 gbk 1 gbk gbk gbk latin5 1 latin5 latin5 latin5 armscii8 1 armscii8 armscii8 armscii8 utf8mb3 1 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 utf8mb3 ucs2 1 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 ucs2 cp866 1 cp866 cp866 cp866 keybcs2 1 keybcs2 keybcs2 keybcs2 macce 1 macce macce macce macroman 1 macroman macroman macroman cp852 1 cp852 cp852 cp852 latin7 latin7 1 latin7 latin7 latin7 latin7 utf8mb4 1 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 utf8mb4 cp1251 cp1251 cp1251 cp1251 1 cp1251 cp1251 cp1251 utf16 1 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16 utf16le 1 utf16le utf16le utf16le cp1256 1 cp1256 cp1256 cp1256 cp1257 cp1257 cp1257 1 cp1257 cp1257 utf32 1 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 utf32 binary 1 geostd8 1 geostd8 geostd8 geostd8 cp932 1 cp932 cp932 cp932 eucjpms 1 eucjpms eucjpms eucjpms utf8mb3_general_ci utf8mb3_general_ci utf8mb4_general_ci utf8mb3_general_ci 1 2023-09-25.15:13:38 2023-09-25.13:13:38 utf8mb4_general_ci localhost localhost InnoDButf8mb4_general_ci
1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 varchar(32)|0s 1 2 bigint(20)|0s 3 project projectid projects branchid btree 1 project btree 1 1 PRIMARY varchar(255)|0s 1 1 varchar(255)|0s 2 datetime(6)|0s 3 bigint(20)|0s 4 branch branchid branches commitid btree 1 branch btree 1 1 PRIMARY bigint(21)|0s 1 1 bigint(21)|0s 1 2 bigint(21)|0s 1 3 start value when sequences is created or value if RESTART is used bigint(21)|0s 1 4 increment value bigint(21)|0s 1 5 bigint(21) unsigned|0s 1 6 0 if no cycles are allowed, 1 if the sequence should begin a new cycle when maximum_value is passed tinyint(1) unsigned|0s 1 7 How many cycles have been done bigint(21)|0s 1 8 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 bit(1)|0s 1 2 longtext|0s 3 datetime(6)|0s 1 4 varchar(255)|0s 1 5 bigint(20)|0s 1 6 project projectid projects issueid btree 1 project btree 1 1 PRIMARY 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 varchar(255)|0s 1 2 longtext|0s 1 3 varchar(32)|0s 1 4 bigint(20)|0s 5 project_owner id userprojects projectid btree 1 project_owner btree 1 1 PRIMARY 2 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 varchar(255)|0s 2 bit(1)|0s 1 3 id btree 1 name btree 1 1 1 PRIMARY UKp5y7iih608g0xwvro8nq20o6o 3 int(11)|0s 1 1 varchar(20)|0s 2 id btree 1 1 1 PRIMARY bigint(20)|0s 1 1 varchar(255)|0s 2 bigint(20)|0s 1 3 taskgroupuser id users taskgroupid btree 1 taskgroupuser btree 1 1 PRIMARY bigint(20)|0s 1 1 int(11)|0s 1 2 user_id id users role_id id roles user_id role_id btree 1 role_id btree 1 1 PRIMARY 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 bigint(20)|0s 2 user_owner_ship id users id btree 1 user_owner_ship btree 1 1 PRIMARY 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 varchar(50)|0s 2 varchar(120)|0s 3 varchar(20)|0s 4 id btree 1 email btree 1 username btree 1 1 1 PRIMARY UK6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 UKr43af9ap4edm43mmtq01oddj6 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 int(11)|0s 1 2 longtext|0s 3 varchar(255)|0s 4 varchar(255)|0s 1 5 bigint(20)|0s 1 6 commit commitid commits wikipage wikipageid wikipages id btree 1 commit btree wikipage btree 1 1 PRIMARY 1 bigint(20)|0s 1 1 bigint(20)|0s 2 project projectid projects wikipageid btree 1 project btree 1 1 PRIMARY